Ested: 1999 by Govt. of Kerala | CEE ID: KKE | GST NO: 32AAA GG0608 R1ZG. 

PEOs and PSOs B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1 To develop graduates with sound technical competency.
PEO-2 To inculcate life-long learning and high employability skills.
PEO-3 To establish research and development facilities to promote innovations.
PEO-4 To generate the spirit of entrepreneurship to create future employers.
PEO-5 To promote leadership qualities so as to work and succeed in diverse domains.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO-1 Development of Add-on Skills
PSO-2 Promote Industry Institute Interaction
PSO-3 Foster Research skills

PEOs M.Tech Energy System Analysis and Design

PEO-1 To develop graduates with sound technical competency.
PEO-2 To inculcate life-long learning and high employability skills.
PEO-3 To establish research and development facilities to promote innovations.

An inspiring centre to educate the youth towards technical and professional brilliance.


Nurture youth to excel in academics and innovative research.

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Develop professionals to meet industrial and societal challenges.

Involve in the progress of the nation through advanced and sustainable technologies.