Ested: 1999 by Govt. of Kerala |AICTE Permanent ID - 1 - 8252381 | AISHE code -C-8170 | GSTN -32CHNG01144D1D4| Institutional PAN -AAAGG0608R | CEE ID: KKE | . 

Dr P.C. Reghu Raj



I have assumed charge as the Principal of the institution on 5 June 2023.

As another academic year begins shortly, new hopes and aspirations fill our hearts. We all have to gear up to meet fresh challenges, since the post Covid academic scenario is changing rapidly in such a way that the gap between the skillsets of the engineering graduates and the expectations of the industry is widening. While the basics have to be stressed effectively, new skills have to be acquired in the fast changing professional scenario. Artificial Intelligence is tresspassing into all walks of our lives. Its impact is yet to be assessed or predicted. It will useful if all disciplines of engineering have the basics of AI integrated into their curriculum. Such adaptations will surely impact the employment scenario also. Challeneges such as this bring golden opportunities as well. On the academic front, the faculty must prepare themselves for drastic changes in the teaching learning process.

At the institutional level, we have successfully completed the TEQIP II (Four Funds) part of the project also, ending on a high note with all the eligible UG and PG programs getting NBA Accreditation. There is a marked improvement in the faculty contributions, placement statistics, internal revenue generation, student enrolement into higher degree programs, faculty student ratio, etc. On top of these, our students in Chemical Engineering have made us proud by bringing two top ranks to the institution in the KTU Examinations of 2023.

I wish all of you great days ahead, filled with academic success and personal satisfaction.

Thank you.

Dr P.C. Reghu Raj, 29-8-2023

Principal's Profile