Ested: 1999 by Govt. of Kerala | CEE ID: KKE | GST NO: 32AAA GG0608 R1ZG. 

PEOs and PSOs Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1 Graduates with sound knowledge and core competence.
PEO-2 Graduates with professional outlook.
PEO-3 Graduates with better employability in the field of electronics.
PEO-4 Graduates with desire to learn and do research in the field of electronics.
PEO-5 Graduates who can be good entrepreneurs.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO-1 Graduates proficient in building complex electronic instrumentation systems.
PSO-2 Graduates who can optimize the control systems for industrial needs.
PSO-3 Instill add on skills in graduates.

PEOs and PSOs Electronics and Communication Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO-1 Graduates with sound foundation in science and Technology.
PEO-2 Graduates with strong analytical and problem solving skills in electronics and communication engineering.
PEO-3 Graduates capable of using modern equipment and tools to solve multi-disciplinary problems.
PEO-4 Graduates aspiring for research and entrepreneurship.
PEO-5 Graduates with a desire for life long learning and commitment to society.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO-1 Graduates proficient in designing and developing complex electronic hardware and software components.
PSO-2 Graduates capable of meeting the challenges of modern data communication requirements.
PSO-3 Graduates instilled with the ability to adapt to the evolving professional environment in electronics and communication engineering.

To emerge as a centre of excellence in Electronics, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering, providing quality education and research opportunities for the advancement of society and mankind.


Dedicate and commit ourselves to achieve, sustain and foster unmatched excellence in engineering education.

Pursue continuous development of infrastructure and enhance the laboratories with state of the art equipment.

Provide our students a technologically updated and intellectually inspiring environment of learning, research, innovation and creativity.

Instill ethical and moral values in students.