Ested: 1999 by Govt. of Kerala |AICTE Permanent ID - 1 - 8252381 | AISHE code -C-8170 | GSTN -32CHNG01144D1D4| Institutional PAN -AAAGG0608R | CEE ID: KKE | . 

Academic Council

The Academic Council is the principal academic body of the Institute and responsible for the maintenance of standards of education, teaching and training, inter departmental co-ordination, research, career guidance, and continuous evaluation etc.

Functions of the Academic Council

The Academic Council of the Institute has the following responsibilities

Maintain academic standards and promote research within the institute.

Make arrangements for the conduct of internal examinations in conformity with the academic calendar of the    university.

Maintain proper standards for the internal examinations.

Suggest measures for departmental co-ordination.

Monitor the academic functioning of the Institute, admission, discipline, hostel admission, etc.

Appoint various committees for the smooth functioning of the institution.

Consider the recommendations of the committees and to take necessary action.

Systematic review of the activities of the departments, Continuing education centre, Professional and Co    curricular bodies, CGPC and sports council and to take appropriate action for improving the performance of the    Institution.

Recommend to fill the vacancy of faculty and technical staff, if any, to the Director of Technical Education.

Academic Council Members

# Name Designation/Position
Dr Sajith P P
Dr. Anjana R
HOD Chemical Department
Dr. Pradeep M Kamath
HOD Mechanical Department
Dr.shajahan ES
HOD Applied Electronics Department
Dr.Ragesh P P.
HOD Civil Department
Dr.anuradha N
HOD Applied Science Department
Dr. Bindima T.
HOD Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Sudeesh R.S
PTA Secretary
Dr. Shajahan E.S.
PG Dean
Dr.baburaj M
UG Dean
Dr.Ushakumari E R
Warden LH
Dr. Anoop C S.
Placement Officer
Dr. Jayakumar M
Union Staff Advisor

Academic Council meets on every Wednesday at 10.30 am at the conference hall.